Digitalisation and transformation in the circular economy offer enormous opportunities and present challenges at the same time. How can innovative and smart solutions replace existing ones without overburdening the organisation and IT? We are convinced that this is possible. Because we #dothingsdifferently
Your entry into a company that has a clear mission: #makedifferent Shape the future together with tegosgroup and join our dynamic working world. In our innovative and flexible environment, you can develop your creativity and take on responsibility, regardless of whether you are just starting out in your career or have already gained extensive experience.
As tegosians, we are aware of our responsibility towards society, the environment and future generations. That is why we focus on the ecologically significant and future-oriented waste management and recycling industry. With our platform solutions and professional services, we bring the digital future to our customers' companies and thus act as a pioneer for productivity and efficiency.
Our top priority is to develop software solutions that are fun to use and as flexible as our customers and their industry.
Starte deine Karriere neu und entfessele dein Potenzial in der Welt der ERP-Software! Wir suchen fachlich versierte Talente aus dem Finanzbereich, die bereit sind, ihre Expertise zu erweitern und an der Spitze der digitalen Transformation zu stehen.
Du bist Buchhalter*in oder Steuerfachangestellte*r (oder vergleichbares) und möchtest deine Karriere in eine spannende, neue Richtung lenken? Wir bieten dir mit umfassenden Trainings den Einstieg ins Consulting und die Möglichkeit, Expertise in der führenden ERP-Lösung von Microsoft mit Schwerpunkt Finanzprozesse zu entwickeln.
Deine künftigen Aufgaben:
tegosgroup // Frau Kirsten Karner // Recruitment // Oslostr. 2, 44269 Dortmund