Startseite Newsroom Managing contracts effectively – how can an ERP system help you? Managing contracts effectively – how can an ERP system help you? 2 Minuten – 26.05.2015In the June 2015 issue of Recycling Magazin there was an interesting report about managing contracs effectively. The authors were the lawyers Dr. de Diego and Dr. Weishaupt from the firm Köhler and Klett. They considered the fact that every recycling company has a variety of contractual arrangements. Their thesis: a structured contract management can avoid trouble – now and in the future.Question: How can an ERP solution and especially enwis) help the waste and recycling companies in this and minimize risks for these companies?Thesis: Standardized content helps creating easier and faster workflows and to increase the transparancy!What does enwis) offer In enwis), contract templates for different types of contracts can be created. The individual contracts are standardized and are not each created or designed by employees. Rules for the staff are established. Each contract has the same components. Emphasis is on the peculiarities of the templates – a container contract has a different template than a contract for hazardous waste. This way, contracts are created easily and quick and the information content for the user is increasing – as is the comparability. Thesis: Standards make it easier to capture contract data and information centrally and therefore enable accessibility and control at all times.What does enwis) offer In enwis) contracts can be completely captured, including all necessary business relatuons such as subcontractors. This is not possible in a lot of other solutions. In enwis) all contract data can be stored directly in the contract. In addition, all data is stored centrally in one database and not in word or excel, which are often also stored on a local computer. In these contracts in enwis), all legal and commercial details are recorded. The operational process can be started directly from the contracts or offers and therefore enwis) provides an enormous time saving and a minimization of errors. Thesis: Contract management does not begin at the conclusion, but already in the negotiations. Each version of the contracts should be saved. What does enwis) offer enwis) offers an integrated archiving option. If contracts are in negotiation and documents with changes are exchanged between business partners, these documents can be stored behind the offer, customer or an already existing contract using drag & drop. In this process they are being versioned and are available in all versions even later. This provides a further gain of transparency in the contract negotiations. In addition, the stored documents are accessible during the whole process until the invoice. Archiving compliant to auditing requirements is also available as an option! Conclusion: A structured contract management can help to avoid trouble – enwis) is a possible part of this optimization process!AutorTobias Kullmann Das könnte dich auch interessieren tegosgroup joins the British Metals Recycling Association 06.09.2024 — Laura Schlösser IVAREM Adopts Cloud Technology: Migration to Business Central with tegossuite 18.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Rimeco Adopts tegossuite as New Platform Solution for Optimised Recycling Management 09.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Customer Day 2024: Driving Innovation in the Circular Economy with tegosgroup 03.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann