Startseite Newsroom tegos Christmas donation campaign 2011 tegos Christmas donation campaign 2011 < 1 Minuten – 10.02.2012Dortmund, 10.02.2012 – The Christmas donation campaign of tegos GmbH has been a great success! After customers were invited to send some suggests of social facilities, clubs or projects, 18 candidates were participants in december’s voting.The participation was great and the first ten places were racing each other. These 10 should get a 500 € donation.Representative for these ten projects, tegos GmbH, represented by Andy S. Evers (Head of Sales) and Corinna Schleking (Assistant Marketing) visited the “evangelische Familienzentrum St. Nicolai”, a nursery school in Dortmund. Anke Backhaus from “ARNOLD MENSHEN GmbH & Co. KG”, who suggested the facility, accompanied them.In the curious children eyes and in a big round, the donation was handed over to Mrs Kersebaum, head of the nursery school. The designated use is to spend the money for the building of a “wood workshop” in the facility.tegos GmbH is pleased about supporting further 9 charitable projects. A big thank you to all customers who participated, who submitted their suggestions as well as, on behalf of the ten projects, to everyone who voted for them.Following projects and facilities have been supported by donations: „Den Kindern von Tschernobyl“Baskets Lüdenscheid e.V.Projekt Nachtwandererev. Familienzentrum St. Nicolai DortmundZwerge in NOTKinder- und Jugendhospizstiftung Balthasar, OlpeKinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke HamburgVIER PFOTENDKMS Deutsche KnochemarkspenderdateiDeutsche Krebshilfe e.V.AutorTobias Kullmann Das könnte dich auch interessieren tegosgroup joins the British Metals Recycling Association 06.09.2024 — Laura Schlösser IVAREM Adopts Cloud Technology: Migration to Business Central with tegossuite 18.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Rimeco Adopts tegossuite as New Platform Solution for Optimised Recycling Management 09.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Customer Day 2024: Driving Innovation in the Circular Economy with tegosgroup 03.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann