Startseite Newsroom AHE Wetter opts for tegos Group AHE Wetter opts for tegos Group 2 Minuten – 21.09.2021In order to digitalise business processes, AHE was looking for a new ERP solution. The plan? This will be achieved by enwis, the fully integrated ERP system, including the financial accounting, from tegos Group across the AHE group of companies.Christoph Weiman, IT Manager at AHE Wetter: „We chose tegos and enwis because we can introduce an integrated overall solution with enwis. With enwis, we will replace several systems and will be able to map processes such as purchasing of services much better in the future. Supporting modules such as portals, DMS and incoming invoice workflow will also be introduced to enable efficient processing for employees and thus make all relevant information available.“In addition to the document management system, which allows the generation of automatic invoice attachments or a digital incoming invoice workflow including OCR recognition, all vehicles will also be equipped with a telematics solution that supports the recording of working hours in combination with integrated resource and capacity planning. The solution of tegos partner Couplink will be used for this. In the area of business customers, a customer and supplier portal is to be implemented and, in addition, a web shop will be created or developed in parallel for private customers.„We are pleased to welcome AHE as a new partner of tegos Group and to accompany them in the mission of digitalisation. We successfully carried out all business scans remotely together with AHE via Microsoft Teams and also built up trust for both parties via this means of communication and were able to convince AHE of our competence“, says Ralf Linnemann, Managing Director of tegos.The goal will also be to integrate the customers more strongly in a self-service process.With this strategically important project, the group of companies aims to standardise the system landscape and at the same time the business processes in order to enable more structured and efficient work.The biggest challenge of the project is probably the restructuring and standardisation of the different master data and procedures of the three operating companies. This challenge of the group of companies will be enabled with the help of the consulting services of tegos Group and the functions of enwis in order to tackle the digitalisation together.AutorTobias Kullmann Das könnte dich auch interessieren tegosgroup joins the British Metals Recycling Association 06.09.2024 — Laura Schlösser IVAREM Adopts Cloud Technology: Migration to Business Central with tegossuite 18.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Rimeco Adopts tegossuite as New Platform Solution for Optimised Recycling Management 09.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann Customer Day 2024: Driving Innovation in the Circular Economy with tegosgroup 03.07.2024 — Tobias Kullmann